Monday, January 16, 2012

You Must Allow Yourself to be Changed by Your Art

I had the luxury of time this morning. Time to learn and explore. Time to expand my reality. Time to consider the question "Why am I here?" and "Where do I go from here?"  I've been lucky over the last several decades to have experienced life changing circumstances.  And lucky to have been able to adapt my world view - realizing that the flow of life means change.  Being static is certain to lead to decay.  And trying to maintain the status quo is sheer madness. I stand on the leading edge of thought and can populate my reality with all the wondrous things I can dream of. I am an explorer of unknown realms. A catalyst in my own expansion. Life is what you make of it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Freya's Flower

My newest jewelry creation. My daughter, Sara, and I spent time combing through the racks of beads and findings at Michael's last night searching for bits to create our particular fantasies. We also found a book of dreams and inspirations at Barnes & Noble!  Hoping to be dreadfully creative this year.
I love the copper swirls and especially the Goddess spiral on the glass.  The piece reminds me of something that may have been found while excavating an ancient grave site.  Reminiscent of the Goddess, grapevines and  natural swirling patterns found in nature.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Just some observations as I'm looking out my kitchen window.  The air is considerably colder today and a light snow is falling - actually its dancing.  The wind chimes are playing faerie music.  The morning is ethereal and dreamy.  .....  happiness .....